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Quantou Formation
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Quantou Fm base reconstruction

Quantou Fm


Age Interval: 
Late Cretaceous, (19) K2qt

Liaoning, Jilin, Heilongjiang

Type Locality and Naming

Songliao Basin. Hat Jukichi erected the Quantou bed in 1927. The type locality for the designation is at Quantou of the Changtu county of Liaoning. The section for the designation is in Jijialing east of the Quantou railway station of the Changtu County, Liaoning. The reference section is down the well No.wu-1 at the Fengnian village of Fanrong of the Fuyu County of Heilongjiang. Lower formation (2 of 7) in the Songhuajiang Gr.

[Figure: Type section of Quantou Formation in Jijialing Village of Quantou Town, Changtu County of Liaoning]

Lithology and Thickness

The Quantou Formation is represented by red argillite interbedded with gray white and gray sandy rocks, with conglomerate at the base, which is divided from below upward into four members. First member is built up by purple red conglomerate, gray sandstone and variegated mudstone. Second member is purple red mudstone interbedded with gray and gray white sandstone. Third member is gray white sandstone and purple red clayey siltstone and mudstone with grayish green mudstone and sandy conglomerate. Fourth member is gray siltstone and fine sandstone, grayish green silty mudstone and purple red mudstone. It is 614.5 m thick.

[Figure: Upper part of Quantou Formation in Jijialing Village of Quantou Town, Changtu County of Liaoning]

Lithology Pattern: 

Relationships and Distribution

Lower contact

The base of the formation is an unconformable contact marked by purple red and variegated and gray green sandy conglomerate is distinguished from the underlying Jurassic variegated conglomerate.

Upper contact

The top is a conformable contact marked by gray green fine sandstone and sandy mudstone is distinguished from black mudstone of the overlying Qingshankou Fm.

Regional extent

The present formation is widespread but overlain by the Quaternary. Around Dashanzuizi of the Dehui County, Jilin, its outcrops are built up by break red, purple and gray purple sandy conglomerate, gravel-bearing grit and siltstone, measuring 610 m in thickness, lying unconformably on the Jurassic. In Daan-Heidimiao-Huazijing-Sikeji of the Changling area, the Quantou Formation is fine in lithology and ranges from 100 to 120 m in thickness. From Heiyupao of Zhenlai to east of Taobaoxi of the Baicheng area, only the lower part of the formation developed, with a thickness of 60 m, and lies unconformably on the older strata. In the Nongan area, it is generally 700-800 m thick, and more than 2198.5 m down the well No. song-2. In the Yufu County, and Denglouku and Wanjinta of Qian Gorlos there appear conglomerate beds at the base of the formation, and it overlaps the old strata of different ages. On the southeast margin of the basin and in Jiutai and the Jilin small area, it is also exposed where it is relatively coarse in lithology and is less than 1000 m in thickness. In Heilongjiang, it is mainly distributed in the area south of the line linking Suiling, Beian, Dedu and Nahe. In the Lindian-Mingshui area of north Heilongjiang, the first member of the Quanshui Formation is dominated by variegated sandy conglomerate with sandstone and mudstone and overlaps the base of the basin, ranging from 78 to 440 m in thickness, locally in excess of 191.5 m. In the Daqing and Putaohua central depressions, the Quanshui Formation is in conformable contact with the Denglouku Formation, ranging from 78 to 440 m in thickness. In the depression of the uplift zone, it is seen to contain gypsum lumps and is in conformable or disconformable contact with the Denglouku Formation. The second member of the Quantou Formation extends slightly to the northern part of the basin. In the Keshan, Lindian and Mingshui area, it is generally 80-140 m thick and thins out towards the eastern and western sides and overlaps the base of the basin in the Keshan area; it is 119-284 m in Daqing and Putaohua, more than 320 m in Chaoyanggou-Fuguangtun of east Heilongjiang and less than 100 m in Chaoyanggou. The third and fourth members covered a larger area when deposited; more than 450 m at maximum in the Keshan County, decreasing in thickness towards both the eastern and western sides and mostly overlapping the strata prior to the Mesozoic towards the margins of the basin; in Hulan Ergi-Tailai in the western part of the basin, their lower parts are mostly intercalated with massive breccia and mudstone, with small amounts of conglomerate, ranging from 68.5 to 200 m in thickness; becoming thinner from east to west, 400-700 m thick in the central part, 529 m at maximum in the Putaohua area, quite thin in Renminzhen, only 282.5 m; in the eastern part of the basin, the third member is generally 340-450 m thick; the fourth member in the northern part is mainly built up by purple red and small amounts of gray green sandy mudstone, generally 60-80 m in thickness; in the western part the two members are represented by variegated mudstone and sandy mudstone interbedded with fine sandstone and grit, and thin out from east to west, 80-122 m thick in the central part; and in the eastern part, the two members are about 100 m thick.




Down the well No.du-402, it bears ostracods Cypridea (Morinia) gibbosa, C. (Morinia) adumbrata; down the well deng-24, Ziziphocypris simakovi; down the well No.Songji-6, estherias Bairdestheria songliaoensis; down the well No.nan-40, bivalves Plicatounio (P.) latiplicatus, Sphaerium cheintaoenses, Nippononia jiliensis; down the drillhole No.sui-17, floras Trapa? microphylla; down the well No.mo-7, Platanus nobilis; and down the well No. fu-122, sporopollen grains, the Cicatricosisporites-Tricolpopollenites- Quantonenpollenites assemblage.

It yields plant mega- and microfossils, charophytes, conchostracans, ostracods, bivalves and the fresh-to brackish-water endemic Nyktericysta - Operculodinium dinocyst association, which is characterized by abundant species of Nyktericysta (the dominant taxon), including N. davisi, and Operculodinium, including O. multipinosum, and only present in the upper part of the formation. The bivalve fauna includes Trigonioides (Trigonioides) heilongjiangensis [=Nippononaia (N.) jilinensis, Trigonioides? changlingensis], Plicatounio (Latiplicatounio) subrhombicus, Sphaerium (Sphaerium) shantungense, S. (S.) coreanicum [=S. (S.) aff. wiljuicum, S. (S.) cf. wiljuicum], and probably Martinsonella curvata, M. martinsoni and S. (S.) tani. The lower part of the formation also contains the Pseudofrenelopsis – angiosperms flora assemblage.


" The association of Trigonioides (T.) heilongjiangensis and Sphaerium(S.) coreanicum in the Xiachengzi Fm and Houshigou Fm has been confirmed as Albian based on correlation with marine strata in eastern Heilongjiang, and S. (S.) coreanicum in southeast Mongolia has also been dated as Albian. Nyktericysta is essentially a Lower Cretaceous index taxon. Outside China, its species (including N. davisii) have been recorded from upper middleAlbianelower upper Albian deposits in the Western Interior of North America, Barremianeupper middle Albian in Alaska, lower Cenomanian in northwestern Alberta, Canada, and Barremian in southern England. Operculodinium multispinosum occurs in Lower Cretaceous marine deposits in Afghanistan. The concurrent ranges of the bivalves and almost all of the dinocysts indicate that the Quantou Formation is Albian and roughly corresponds to the mainly upper Albian Houshigou Fm and Xiachengzi Fm. The Pseudofrenelopsis e angiosperms flora assemblage identified from the lower part of the formation was also reported from the Houshigou Fm and Dalazi Fm." (modified quote from Kosenko et al., 2021). [In contrast; Xi, D.P, et al. (2019, Cretaceous integrated stratigraphy and time scale of China) had concluded that this Quantou formation was Cenomanian-early Turonian.]. Pending resolution of this conflict, the age used here is a compromise of late Albian through mid-Cenomanian.

Age Span: 

    Beginning stage: 

    Fraction up in beginning stage: 

    Beginning date (Ma): 

    Ending stage: 

    Fraction up in the ending stage: 

    Ending date (Ma):  

Depositional setting

It belongs to shallow lake-shoal-lake shore deposition.

Depositional pattern:  

Additional Information


Wan Xiaoqiao

Enhanced with Igor N. Kosenko, Jingeng Sha and Boris N. Shurygin (2021). Upper Mesozoic stratigraphy of Sikhote-Alin (Russian Far East) and northeastern China: Non-marine and marine correlations. Part 1: Upper Jurassic-Hauterivian AND 2. Barremian-Aptian. Cretaceous Research, 124: articles 104811 (https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cretres.2021.104811) AND 104812 (https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cretres.2021.104812)